We were born in the last gasp of the Second Millennia. Those of us who have been .... enthralled
with intrinsic magnificence of the web of life, ...work frantically trying to save what is left.
What we save here and tomorrow will undoubtedly diversify and evolve into the next age. Numerous species, however,
are being driven to extinction for no logical reason whatsoever ... we all know this is unacceptable.
Chamaeleo/Furcifer pardalis will most likely radiate and reclaim Madagascar as it is already doing. But every last species, in every
last pocket on Madagascar, and twenty or so other islands, should be protected athis moment.
Please, add your favorite:
New Guinea
I guess Zaire[Congo] and Brazil would be nice too.
Since this is an election year we openly advocate anyone with a mere skeletal knowledge of biology joining
the movemento vote for that someone whose first priority is saving every lastrand of pristine forest on our homeworld. Reforestation
has to begin sooner or later and every last one of us who knows anything about what is happening ecologically, knows
if it happened today it would be all the better. The firstep in creating global "cooling", saving what is
left of the web of life, and saving ourselves are all the same athis point in spacetime.
Halting the currentrend of higher temperatures also requires a commitmento alternative sources of energy. SolaRoofingİ, wind and geothermal turbines, and a host of other gadgets are what we
and the overpopulated nations of the world need. Not one more government tax dollar subsidizing fossil fuels.
Anyway, .. reforestation and alternative sources of fuel. Anything else we Biophiles would want for Christmas? We
personally want less people so we have more room for Siberian Tigers and Sumatran Rhinos ... and whatever else is left. Our
Habronattus seem safe. ... ... for now, but our Siberian Tigers are in trouble.
In any event, less people is a great way to starthe new year and a candidate who openly advocates funding contraceptives
for all the world is the one we are pulling the lever for. How much money does it cost to make sure every woman on this
world has enough prophylactics?
Those are our own three wishes. Save our forests that are [~]65M yrs old, SolaRoofingİ, and a windmill in our yard, and reminding everyone less children is not only logical, but becoming imperative,
athis point in spacetime.
If we had four then .. how about ... ... the Union of Concerned Scientists plan for agriculture. Less
pollutants entering the water/carbon/whatever cycle are far more sane from a biological perspective.
Number five would be a serious attempto cool our world and save the reefs. This involves a commitment
at a WWII level. Of course it might not, but if we made a 110% efforto PLANTREES in our yard and compost grass and leaves, to reforest America and the world, to cut
our emissions with everyone using panels and mills....
..... so uh, think about it. Vote for Ralph!!!!.
essentially the Biophile branch of his base.
others would be the pro-Hemp vote. We don’t speak of it much here, since
we are concentrating on biology. We encourage those who would vote for Nader
because of his pro-Hemp stance to create similar or mirror sites of our own. Hemp
would without any doubt help the farmers of this nation, lesson the effects of climate shift, etc, and help fuse many, many
anti-War vote, would also attract many Americans.
We want out now. We don’t want Kerry or Bush. We want democracy
from Morocco to the Solomons. If the Muslims of this world choose to throw out
America and Britain’s oil companies and invest the money in their own societies so be it. The current war for fossil fuels has us in awe as the permafrost thaws and begins to release methane…..uhhh,
sorry always refocus on biology by habit ….
strong base would be for balancing this nation’s economic books via the Robin Hood plan.
1% owns 40% of the nation. Let them start paying off this unbelievable
500 B! annual account deficit. It was created via Jr.'s tax cuts to them and this unbelievably illogical war.
And of course
there is the Native American vote, which is actually the core of the Biophiles, whether they are aware of it or not.
It would be awesome to honor some treaties and let huge areas of America become natural reserves under the watch of the Real
Americans. ;]
..... so uh, think about it. Vote Ralph!!!!.