Founding Fathers of the American Republic gave their people a constitution where a peaceful revolution is feasible every two
years; for every two years We the People can throw out EVERYONE in the House of Representatives.
Since we have some time until the next election, it is immensely crucial those of us actively attempting to
alter the current course our nation, [our species and our world] is on remember how easily it is to do so.
hard is it to create something that goes viral on the internet these days; something where virtually everyone capable of thought
vows not to vote for any incumbents in the House? To not for those in the Senate up for
reelection? To not vote for “either” Republicrat for President?
We have an election
this year in which we can rid ourselves of these two-faced backstabbing posers who are not our representatives in any
sense of the word.
there is good reason to believe that our elections have been hacked by DieBold voting machines. So there is reason
in those of us politically active coming together & working towards our mutual goals.
spite of the DieBold voting machines & other obstacles there are plenty of people in this country,
both the original Tea Partiers & the Occupiers, who know something must be done. And
virtually everyone is disgusted with their "two" choices.
propose a five prong strategy for creating a viral solution;
encourage all politically active Americans to vow not to vote for a Republicrat in 2016. Someone with more
time than myself could perhaps create an email “petition” that would hopefully, eventually, go viral
among friends and colleagues. Here is my quick hack at it:
Rome is NOT burning, ….. …. the entire ____________ planet is! Time to stop fiddling around. Time to email this to your friends & let them know you’re seriously considering voting for Jill
Stein [GREEN] this November rather than Hitler or Stalin. Please join the sanest
pyramid ever conceived & email this to at least ten friends! Who loves ya!? Peace Love Flowers
And gethat Stein bumpersticker too.
personally would change the Green's bumper sticker around to say:
STEIN because voting for Hitler
or Stalin isn't voting for the lesser of two evils,
it's voting for the same
______ thing!
needs some work. You libertarians can work on your own and please do.
as important is that Americans persuade & demand their state representatives to bring back paper ballots. Anyone who is familiar with Stephen Spoonamores’ testimony realizes the DieBold is a traitorous & treasonous
entity. Encourage Americans to sign another “petition” vowing to
not vote for any state representative who has not done what is needed to bring back paper ballots by the 2016 election.
3]Demand that those very same paper ballots have for every electable office a _________.
This way we can write in whomever we want.
I personally
am voting for the individual & to be honest, I truly believe randomly writing in virtually anyone would give us better
representatives than re-electing the majority of Demlicans for office.
my opinion, the wealthiest 0.00001, the billionaires who own the media, the energy conglomerates, BigPharma, BigAgra, also
own 95%+ of the sellouts & suck ups who are supposedly our representatives in the House & the Senate. It’s not the top 1%, it’s the wealthiest 0.000000 whatever percent it takes to be a billionaire,
who are our common enemy. This is what Tea Partiers & the Occupiers need
to understand & their puppets need to go.
Ventura has proposed that rather than a ____________ where we can write someone in,
there be a no. So say you have Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton,
as two “different” choices in November 2016. I for one would definitely
vote NO if I could not write in someone else.
5]Encourage vets and other other takers to run for office. …..and guard our election by having an exit poll manned
by themselves.
I highly recommend avoiding petition sites in this day and age for various reasons.