Those of us advocating any future climate shift policy revolving around diverse solutions are deeply indebted to this
report. Don’t look for many of these policy course corrections being embraced
by our “honorable” representatives in Congress, however. As scientists you may have to accept some rather unpalatable
Energy conglomerates and the Church [of Bruno’s day] have one common thread:
an interest in maintaining the status quo in the name of revenue.
Is there a rational reason for the United States to be creating military bases throughout
South and Central Asia? Is this inane foreign policy not driven by our disastrous energy policy?
In any event, of the 15 possible course corrections mentioned, should not the following
be emphasized first and foremost:
14Reduced deforestation and preferably afforestation.
To increase the terrestrial sink capacity by afforestation one must also protect those forests that already exist.
15SoilManagement “soil C sequestration improves and sustains biomass/agronomic productivity ….has
the potential to offset fossil-fuel emissions by 0.4 to 1.2 Gt C/year, or 5 to 15% of the global emissions.. … [and]
the close link between soil C sequestration and world food security on the one hand and climate change on the other can neither
be overemphasized nor ignored.”
13Biofuels <P
10Wind electricity
01Improved fuel economy
03More efficient buildings
02Reduced reliance on cars
011Photovoltaic electricity
04Improved power plant efficiency
05Substituting natural gas for coal
The remaining solutions are most likely useful if they are not subsidized while forests
are still being incinerated. 6,7,8,12
Homo sapiens already has the “tech” to sequester carbon. Fast growing species fix carbon quickly and efficiently. These
can be transformed into organic carbon, biofuels, paper, furniture, …a virtual endless list of sinks.
Kerry and Bush represent a threat, in that neither will make the fundamental changes
needed at this point in spacetime as far as any future United State’s Climate Shift Policy is concerned. The situation can be remedied easily as this [most excellent] article points out, but the status quo is
entrenched and the source of our currents wars. As scientists, you will have
to fight an old battle to create sanity.
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