One must remember that most revolutions, or movements
which contribute to positive changes in society, are more often than not fueled by a small percentage of people; time and
again throughout history less than 5% of a population were responsible for these breaks with the past. Please listen to this short 5 minute link, where John Perkins discusses how few actually participated
in the 1st American Revolution & the proper attitude one must have. If you have time, I advise listening to the whole thing.
It’s a simple fact that a good part of the country
[world!] supports either the TeaParty &/or the Occupation, so it saddens me all too many individuals whom
I consider unsurpassed sources of information focus consistently on what the degenerate “elite” are up to, rather
than on what we the people are scheming. Forging not merely a “Second American Revolution”, but a
revolution of the rational requires us to focus on solutions.
Anyway, … to get to the point, … it’s imperative we remain constructive, optimistic,
& downright jovial, all in spite of the psychotic degenerates at the helm. Please listen
to that link with John Perkins above!
So, with half the country still voting for the Obama/Romney
ticket, & the other half watching football, how, …you may ask, do we create a chain-reaction in awareness?
Well, I would recommend we focus on 911. I consider 911 to
be the great chink in the armor of the degenerates at the helm. This short link has a former military air-traffic controller stating the
obvious. It is so unbelievably blatant when you watch THREE buildings
falling at close to freefall speeds on that fateful day that neither jet fuel, nor termites were the cause. Particularly when one listens to Richard Gage’s Blueprint for Truth. So getting every American to watch Richard Gage’s Blueprint for Truth
is the first solution I would like to offer. How to do so? Well, … the usual enticement.
1]I offer all friends & family a buffalo [a one
ounce gold coin] to anyone who can give a scientific hypothesis which not only refutes Gage’s but fits all the
evidence more accurately. That coin is a tremendous incentive for people to watch
Blueprint for Truth. You can set up a laptop with the uTube link in the local
VFW, ….. [preferably by the bar where most of them tend to congregate].
I personally advocate going down to the local VFW, firehouse or police station & giving the spiel I do.
“The media of this country is no
more American than China’s. It’s owned by six men & they’re
guilty of treason for having lied to us for all too long. I can tell you I know
this from personal experience having worked within political campaigns. I’d
love to hear a theory which shreds Gage’s, … but the fact is I seriously doubt anyone will be able to do
the combined testimony of the likes of
architects such as Les Young,
Major General Stubblebine,
Lt Col. Bob Bowman,
General Wesley Clark,
chemists such as Niels Harrit,
fire protection engineers, such
as Scott Granger
metallurgists such as Kathy McGrade, & countless others
I am led to conclude that those handful of men who own the antiquated media in America have hidden the truth …. … from those still ignorant to trust them.
please don’t ask me, “How can they have kept it a secret?” because those of us who haven’t
relied on them for years have known something was afoul within a month of the attacks. Today a good third of the country, if not half, do not believe the official
conspiracy theory. But don’t listen to me. I‘m no architect, nor engineer, nor interceptor pilot, nor airline pilot, but the above people are,
…. listen to them.
… that’s my spiel. I’ll be glad to give an ounce of gold to
anyone who can give me an alternative hypothesis, which is more accurate than Richard Gage’s because his analysis is
methodical & he’s got some heavy hitters with correlating data & testimony.
I, personally,
try to persuade the veterans of this country to listen to these testimonies, but it’s virtually impossible to create
a chain-reaction in consciousness without a wider audience. Envision a million of your listeners who have sheriffs, police,
firefighters & of course, vets as family & friends, offering a one ounce buffalo [or whatever they can afford] to
entice them to listen to these testimonies. To enlighten them. To be the catalyst.
It’s personal. My own family has ties to the military. My uncle was a Colonel
in the Marines, & his son, my cousin, was in the first rounds of the Gulf Wars. He came back & began losing his vision
in ’92, then was diagnosed with a tumor on his optic nerve in ’94. We
buried him in ’08. A long slow, blind death. I cannot put into words the hatred I have for the … “people” who conceived of 911 in
order to make a play for world hegemony, it’s impossible to describe
what is to be done to these “people”. Also, one of the best people I know, one of my best friends is retired Army. He did a tour in Iraq & a tour in Afghanistan.
The idea of him getting sick from DU ……. causes me to seethe.
2] In any event, I pray we get far enough where we can then move on to stage two which is creating a movement, not a party,
around awakened veterans & other oath takers If you’ve been paying attention, then you realize DieBold has essentially hacked the vote with their
electronic voting machines. Please see Stephen Spoonamoore’s testimonies. “This is a fascist /[Bolshevik] issue.” DieBold
electronic voting machines are stealing our elections & are treasonous. People
need to understand that exit polls have been consistently accurate in the past. Very
important to understand this & realize how to counter it.
I would recommend encouraging the oath takers to man the exit polls outside elections from now on, & at the same time
demand every state change the ballot laws.
Reinstitute paper ballots. Any state legislator who does not vote to reinstitute paper ballots will be targeted for termination. Not literally, but as far as the office they hold.
ALSO, … just as important, for
every office open to a vote, a __________ must be available for write-in candidates.
It must be made very clear to state legislators that we are attempting to create a peaceful revolution & do so
hope they are with us. WE must be able to write in whomever we want. I should have been able to write in Ron Paul for President as should everyone else
the last election. The people of Texas should be able to write in Willy Nelson
for their next State Senator, as should the people of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura. Anybody, anybody but these treacherous, diseased
I do not agree with those who say we should not vote. I believe the people of this country were given a constitutional republic & have
[had] the ability to initiate a peaceful revolution every two years. The key is educating people so they stop voting for either Hitler or Stalin. To get them to understand there really isn’t any difference between the two. They both have mustaches & if you make fun of that mustache you’ll end up
disappearing into a work camp. If you want to vote for someone who is still
worth the salt in their blood, like Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, Baldwin, Gravel, McKinney, Stein, Johnson, whomever,
you should have the ability to write them in, … there should always be a blank spot.
3]Which brings us to stage three, Having an oath taker run more or less
for every office as an independent & encourage Americans to take a vow to never vote for the Republicrat ticket again. You want to vote for Kucinich, Paul, Gravel, fine, but write them in.
4]Those guilty of treason [& counterfeiting] need to be put on trial & executed. This is one of the reasons I highly recommend Max Keiser since he has advocated
this solution for quite some time, & he’s been focusing on those who are guilty simply of financial crimes. Which of course, are again enabled by those handful of “men” who own &
operate the Ministry of Truth.
Again, those behind & in on 911
need to be tried & executed. Those who chair & sit on the board of the
major media corporations should be the first to be indicted, along with Larry Silverstein.
They have systematically covered up what professionals are saying. They
have dared to brand & smear, intelligent, eloquent & true blue American architects, engineers, airline pilots, interceptor
pilots, military officials as well as others with impressive credentials as kooks, crazies, nutcases, conspiracy theorists,
what have you. They’re guilty of treason, of crimes against all life.
In any event, having been trying to create a sane
civilization for over two decades now, I realize this isn’t the easiest task.
Creating sanity. Technically we belong to a race of mentally challenged
apes, who consistently mangle their best & brightest. But perhaps, more truthfully, our leaders aren’t the sharpestools in the shed. So let’s be the catalyst that
rids us of the current fascist/Bolshevik slime. They are after all a bipedal
disease which our world needs to be healed of. Then we can move on to stage five…….
5] Abandonment of all oversea military bases worldwide
until our own nation’s economic situation is in order.
6]Slash & burn the Soviet-style surveillance state
guilty of incinerating the spirit of the Bill of Rights, of giving the Feds Hitler & Stalin-like powers, and of those
who had the nerve of calling this “patriotic”.
7] Then, hopefully, God willing, we can begin rebuilding this nation around sane sources of energy. Which I, & many like-minded eggheads, have been trying to do for over two decades. A mosaic of energy
sources is obviously needed to replace the entrenched & obsolete fossil fuel industries, as well as to construct a civilization
that doesn’t end up dying in it’s own waste. Today, it’s
fairly obvious wind turbines coupled with biomass [HEMP!] & SolaRoofing are more likely than not, the way America should
head, especially when one looks at the a nation which is following this path in earnest. From what we can see in Germany,
we can deduce it also creates prosperity & economic growth.
Unfortunately, America is not pursuing alternative
[sane] energy sources for the same reason our leaders press on with their genocidal wars for fossil fuels.
Is it really that hard if we can rid ourselves of
people who suffer from the same psychoses as Leonard Lake & Charles Ng?
Who loves ya?
William Binder
Sparta, Illinois, USoA
Fantastic John Perkins interview distilled to it’s essence
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Reducing atmospheric carbon, creating an infrastructure of sane sources
of energy & stimulating an economy all in one swoop
Energy Mosaic 010317
Hold on to your Humanity
Erich Maximillian Hedrick, Air Traffic Controller’s 911 testimony
uncut Erich Maximillian Headrick interview
Short ten minute version of Blueprint for Truth
Les Young ae911 Experts Speak Out [ESO]
Major General
Albert Stubblebine’s testimony on 911
Lt Col. Bob
Bowman [ESO]
General Wesley Clark’s testimony on 911 policy coup
Niels Harrit ae911 [ESO]
Scott Granger ae911 [ESO]
Kathy McGrade ae911 ESO
Depleted Uranium 101 Beautiful short for those who have never heard of depleted uranium’s history.
Stephen Spoonamoore’s gives convincing evidence that the owners
& operators of DieBold are guilty of treason.
Short Stephen Spoonamoore on the need for paper ballots
Or use [a] stamp[s] if you can get some at every polling station.