Hoke Hey, Lakotah! If we are to pay back any community in this nation collectively
for crimes of our common past then perhaps we should address the issue of a number of treaties ratified by our government
[American] with Native-Americans that have never been fully honored. For example, take the Treaty of 1868. [2] FORT LARAMIE TREATY APRIL 29, 1868: The United States agrees that the [Lakotah Nation] will commence
on the east bank of the Missouri River to a point opposite where the northern line of the State of Nebraska strikes the river,
[and] is, set apart for the absolute and undisturbed use and occupation of the Indians, and the United States now solemnly
agrees that no persons [blah, blah, blah] ..., shall ever be permitted to pass over, SETTLE UPON, or reside in the territory
described in this article, What's ironic is the ILLEGAL European settlements within this NATION are now dying
in droves; the prairie towns of the European settlers are evaporating left and right. If there are any reparations to be made
should we not work to respect treaties which our government made and then arrogantly abrogated. "John Marshall has made his
decision, now let him enforce it." essentially sums up what happened to the Cherokee and led to the Trail of Tears. A Brief History of America [from the "Injuns" perspective] ... After the War between the States, the United States military turned
towards the original inhabitants of the continent. Guerrilla tactics decimated the Europeans' superior technology and manpower,
however, and in 1868, a treaty was ratified between the not-so-United States government and the natives of the plains. Unfortunately,
gold was discovered in Pahasahpah [the Black Hills] after the treaty had been signed and formalized, and the American government
realized this nullified the treaty --as European treaties go... [3] There are many ways in which we
can strive to heal the crimes of the past, but we feel collectively giving all those descended from Afrikans in this country
a lump sum check will simply enrage some. There are Americans of European descent whose ancestors never owned slaves and fought
for the abolition of slavery. My own ancestors were Germans; some may have actively taken part in a reprehensible and atrocious
genocide, ... and every last one of them got off the boat before Bismarck became Kanzler. Surely there must be some other way to help all the descendants of
Afrikans without giving a small check to Michael Jordan, Bill Cosby, and Eddie Murphy? William Binder 020707 _____________________ Footnotes [1] For more on HUEY!, please see the Comic Strip the Boondocks! http://www.ucomics.com/boondocks/ [2] The entire treaty is at [3] "You don't go to a hill for water and you don't go to a white man for the
truth"- Lakotah Proverb ____________________________ The following men saw the American government break the treaty they signed with
the same morality Hitler broke the pact he made with Stalin. They also saw their loved ones die for the same reason
so many did under the Third Reich. Racism, pure and simple. Ma-za-pon-kaska Iron Shell Wah-pat-shah Red Leaf Hah-sah-pah, Black Horn Zin-tah-gah-lat-skah Spotted Tail Zin-tah-skah White Tail Me-wah-tah-ne-ho-skah TallMandas She-cha-chat-kah Bad Left Hand No-mah-no-pah Two and Two Tah-tonka-skah White Bull Con-ra-washta Petty Coon Ha-cah-cah-she-chah Bad Elk Wa-ha-ka-zah-ish-tah Eye Lance Ma-to-ha-ke-tah Bear that looks behind Bella-tonka-tonka Big Partisan Mah-to-ho-honka Swift Bear To-wis-ne Cold Place Ish-tah-skah White Eyes Ma-ta-loo-zah Fast Bear As-hah-kah-nah-zhe Standing Elk Can-te-te-ki-ya The Brave Heart Shunka-shaton Day Hawk Tatanka-wakon his Sacred Bull Mapia shaton Hawk Cloud Ma-sba-a-ow Stands and Comes Shon-ka-ton-ka Big Dog Tah-shun-ka-co-qui-pah Man-afraid-of-his-horses Sha-ton-skah White Hawk Sha-ton-sapah Black Hawk E-ga-mon-ton-ka-sapah Black Tiger Oh-wah-she-cha Bad Wound Pah-gee Grass Wah-non-reh-che-geh Ghost Heart Con-reeh Crow Oh-he-te-kah The Brave Tah-ton-kah-he-yo-ta-kah Sitting Bull Shon-ka-oh-wah-mon- Whirlwind Dog Ha-hah-kah-tah- Poor Elk Wam-bu-lee-wah-kon Medicine Eagle Chon-gah-ma-he-to-hans-ka High Wolf Wah-se-chun-ta-sbun-kah American Horse Mah-hah-mah-ha-mak-near Man that walks under the ground Mah-to-tow-pah Four Bears Ma-to-wee-sha-kta One that kills the bear Oh-tah-kee-toka-wee-chakta One that kills in a hard place Tah-ton-kah-ta-mieeh The poor Bull Oh-huns-ee-ga-non-sken Mad Shade Shah-ton-oh-nah-om-minne-ne-oh-minne Whirling Hawk Mah-to-ehun-ka-oh Bear's Back Che-ton-wee-koh Fool Hawk Wah-hoh-ke-za-ah-hah One that has the lance Shon-gah-manni-toh-tan-ka-she Big Wolf Foot Eh-ton-kah Big Mouth Ma-pah-che-tah Bad Hand Wah-ke-yun-shah Red Thunder Wak-sah One that Cuts Off Cham-nom-qui-yah One that Presents the Pipe Wah-ke-ke-yan-puh-tah Fire Thunder Mah-to-nonk-pah-ze Bear with Yellow Ears Con-ree-teh-ka The Little Crow He-hup-pah-toh The Blue War Club Shon-kee-toh The Blue Horse Wam-Balla-oh-con-quo Quick Eagle Ta-tonka-suppa Black Bull Moh-to-ha-she-na The Bear Hide Heh-won-ge-chat One Horn Oh-pon-ah-tah-e-manne The Elk that bellows Walking Heh-ho-lah-reh-cha-skah Young White Bull Wah chah chum kah coh kee-pah One that is afraid of Shield He-hon-ne-shakta The Old Owl Moc-pe-a-toh Blue Cloud Oh-pong-ge-le-skah Spotted Elk Tah-tonk-ka-hon-ke-schne Slow Bull Shonk-a-nee-shah-shah-a-tah-pe The Dog Chief Ma-to-tah-ta-tonk-ka Bull Bear Wom-beh-le-ton-kah The Big Eagle Ma-toh-eh-schne-lah The Lone Bear Mah-toh-ke-su-yah The One who Remembers the Bear Ma-toh-oh-he-to-keh The Brave Bear Eh-che-ma-heh The Runner Ti-ki-ya The Hard He-ma-za Iron Horn Mah-to-non-pah Two Bears Ma-to-hna-skin-ya Mad Bear He-o-pu-za, Louzy Ah-ke-che-tah-che-ca-dan Little Soldier Mah-to-e-tan-chan Chief Bear Cu-wi-h-win Rotten Stomach Skun-ka-we-tko Fool Dog Ish-ta-sap-pah Black Eye Ih-tan-chan The Chief I-a-wi-ca-ka The one who Tells the Truth Ah-ke-che-tah The Soldier Ta-shi-na-gi Yellow Robe Nah-pe-ton-ka Big Hand Chan-tee-we-kto Fool Heart Hoh-gan-sah-pa Black Catfish Mah-to-wah-kan Medicine Bear Shun-ka-kan-sha Red Horse Wan-rode The Eagle Can-hpi-sa-pa Black Tomahawk War-he-le-re Yellow Eagle Cha-ton-che-ca Small Hawk, or Long Fare Shu-ger-mon-e-too-ha-ska Tall Wolf Ma-to-u-tah-kah Sitting Bear Hi-ha-cah-ge-na-skene Mad Elk |