Do you ever gethe feeling Prometheus got off light?
Ecology 101
Ecological Reality

   Synopsis: OPEC members should attempt to lessen the effects of global warming by collaborating with one another in order to protect our world's remaining forests.  Doing so would be a most logical and extremely important step in attempting to balance the global carbon cycle.

OPEC, Islam and the Carbon Cycle

   The petroleum exporting nations of our world seem to frown upon efforts to construct renewable sources of energy and while understanding their fear of a global economy less dependent on petrol, there are scientific reasons for creating such a civilization. With the threat of global warming becoming more scientificallly certain with almost every study, it is only logical responsible nations would encourage the investment of capital in ecologically benign sources of energy.

   Of course there are also other sensible strategies which would lessen the negative consequences global warming may cause via higher concentrations of atmospheric CO2. In Managing Forests after Kyoto[1], Ernst Detlef Schulze, Christian Wirth, & Martin Heimann postulate that untouched, old growth forests seem to contain a good deal more fixed carbon than reseeded forests and should therefore be protected at all costs. To make a long argument short, it is therefore very much in everyone's interests to do everything possible to protect our world's remaining "carbon sinks" [a.k.a. old growth forests], as well as encouraging the rejuvenation of tracts surrounding the forests which are preserved. This would be a commendable foundation in lessening the effects of global warming.

   Because so much of the petroleum of this world comes from Muslim nations, it would even be moreso in their interests to be at the forefront of any movement to protect old-growth forests. Indonesia, also being a Muslim nation which was once rich in forests, has tragically lost much of its original forest cover due to the ignorance of its leaders. Could not Libya, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, as well as others, create an organization whose goal would be to stop the destruction of what is left of Indonesia's "carbon sinks"?

   The greatest reason to do so is to lessen any catastrophic impact which may be caused by global warming, but there are other reasons as well. One must realize what the forests of Indonesia represent. For those of us who value "God's wondrous creation" and wish to see at least some areas left pristine and untouched, protecting what is left of Indonesia's forests is easily one of the greatest ways to do so. In more scientific terms, the loss of the most biodiverse ecosystems in the world is a tragedy beyond words, and Indonesia is easily among them. It is no exaggeration to say what is happening globally is considered by many biologists to be the greatest holocaust since the end of the Cretaceous. Our world has become a biological funeral pyre.

   Economically, if the "development" of Indonesia continues as is, the loggers involved will be out of work sooner rather than later. Allowing the continued desecration of Indonesia, as well as the rest of the world, in the name of limitless greed and blind ignorance is completely unacceptable to any rational adult. How simple it would be to create an organization which would pay these workers to plant saplings while the rest begin to log these forests in a sustainable fashion. This would guarantee their employment far into the future.  Eventually nations such as Indonesia, the Congo, Nigeria, Brazil, etc. etc. will be able to create a large source of revenue exporting more valuable forest products [zB Mahogany]; if they are willing to limit supply to increase the price, much as OPEC has done with petroleum.

   If OPEC wishes to continue exporting oil at current levels, then it would certainly be an excellent public relations ploy, [at the very least], not only to save what is left of our world's untouched "carbon sinks", but also encourage the planting of as many saplings as possible to soak up the excess carbon which already exists. [2] Humanity will be utilizing trees for furniture, housing, paper and such far into the foreseeable future, so it is crucial at this point in our species history we "lock in" as much carbon as possible by creating new "sinks". [3]

   What we are trying to convey in simplified terms is that the carbon cycle has been seriously distorted because of our species use of fossil fuels and deforestation globally. It is therefore in the interests of everyone of us to re-establish some form of balance. Saving what is left of this world's remnant strands of old growth forests is an obvious first step in creating such a solution. Indonesia is the perfect starting point for a variety of reasons since it is of such importance biologically, under a lobotomized state of siege, and is a Muslim country which might respond to other Muslim nations overtures to listen to biological and economic reason.

[1]Science, 2000, Sept 22, Managing Forests After Kyoto

[2]Hemp is another obvious remedy since it grows more quickly than any known plant, makes a higher grade of paper, and does not impact the environment anywhere near as much as paper made from trees, since far less chemicals are needed to transform it.

[3]A sink can be something as simple as a chair or house made from wood as well as an old growth forest.

W Binder (C)                                                                                   020215


Sunday, 2004 02 29.  I have just finished reading the issue of Science [Vol 303 No. 5660] dated 040213.  On page 1000 there is a report discussing  Lowland Forest Loss in Protected Areas of Indonesia.  I can not describe in words the depression this article left me.  Imbeciles continue to "extract" timber from Indonesia at rates which are completely unsustainable.  Leaving all ecological arguments aside, [since they have very little impact on the less gifted in any event], this is economic insanity!  THERE ARE FAR TOO MANY WORKERS INVOLVED IN TIMBER EXTRACTION ON BORNEO!  THEY WILL BE OUT OF WORK WITHIN A DECADE IF THEY DO NOT BEGIN "UTILIZING THIS RESOURCE" IN A LOGICAL MANNER.  I do not know what percentage of individuals can continue to extract timber, nor what percentage must change the nature of their occupations. Clearly, however, Indonesians must begin rejuevenating their forests.  Many of these individuals should be making furniture and other "carbon sinks" from these "forest products" rather than being involved in timber extraction.

"Preserving the ecological integrity of Kalimantan's rainforests requires immediate transnational management."  Yes it does.  And there should be an embargo of Indonesian timber enforced until sanity prevails.


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